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Electoral systems, government bureaucracies, regulatory environments, networks of international alliances, and financial markets are all complex adaptive systems. As such, attempts to predict their behaviors with traditional models often fail. This meeting will explore both (i) the application of complexity theory to geopolitical and market risk, and (ii) the relationship between geopolitical and market risk. Particular attention will be paid to the mechanisms that drive uncertainty in these systems and difficulty in quantifying these risks.

Location: Morgan Stanley Headquarters, New York, NY

Registration is open to SFI Applied Complexity Network members and invited guests only. Please contact for registration information or to learn how to become a Santa Fe Institute Applied Complexity Network member.

Welcome & Introduction – Will Tracy

Supply Chains, Complexity Traps, and Fragility – Charlie Brummitt

Coping with Uncertainty in Financial Decision Making – Mirta Galesic

Generations and the Rhythms of History: A Theory of Recurring Social Phase Transitions – Neil Howe

The Political Consequences of Economic Complexity – Oscar Landerretche Moreno

Exploring Complexity After Peacebuilding Reform Failure – Philippe Leroux-Martin

Waves of Disruption: Technology, Geopolitics, and Market Risk – Kevin Allison

The Unpredicted: From the French Revolution to String Theory – Simon DeDeo

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