Topical Meeting

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Modeling Organizational Complexity                        

Held at Intel, Santa Clara, CA

Co-organized by SFI Business Network and Eleanor Wynn, Principal Engineer, IT Innovation, Intel. 

Complexity science has matured into a major paradigm in the sciences. Its concepts and methods are used in climate and population studies, defense strategy and other policy areas where conventional methods are inadequate for understanding large, multi-variable, multi-constraint problems. This topical meeting will focus on the utility and value of complexity science for strategy and operations of large global enterprises that show all the properties of complex systems: increasingly intricate products and production processes, recombinable product elements, changing scale of products, rapidly altering and emerging markets with feedback cycles between product and market demand, new forms of competition, geographically distributed workforces with cultural diversity, with all of the above operating in turbulent economic and political contexts. Intel Corporation has joined with Santa Fe Institute Business Network to address a few of these concerns in hopes of consolidating current research and inspiring others to explore the concepts and methods of complex systems to core problems facing large businesses today.


  • Robert Axtell, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute, and Professor, George Mason University 
  • Luis Bettencourt, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute, and Research Scientist, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Eric Bonabeau, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer, Icosystem Corp. 
  • Diane M. Bryant, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Intel
  • Martin Curley, Director, Intel Labs Europe
  • Nathan Eagle, CEO, txteagle Inc., Visiting Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab, Research Assistant Professor, Northeastern Computer Science, and Omidyar Fellow, Santa Fe Institute
  • Karl G. Kempf, Intel Fellow, Intel Architecture Group, and Director, Decision Engineering, Intel
  • David Krakauer, Chair of Faculty and Professor, Santa Fe Institute 
  • Charles Macal,  Director, Center for Complex Adaptive Agent Systems Simulation and Senior Systems Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Béla Nagy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Santa Fe Institute
  • Stephen L. Smith, Vice President, PC Client Operations and Enabling, Intel

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Welcome to Modeling Organizational Complexity

AuthorsDiane Bryant

Overview of Santa Fe Institute’s Business Network

AuthorsChris Wood

Universal Aspects of Human Organizations: From Cities to Corporations

AuthorsLuis Bettencourt

Universal Laws of Technological Evolution: What do Integrated Circuits, Japanese Beer, and Brazilian Ethanol Have in Common?

AuthorsBéla Nagy

Organizational Growth: Heavy Tails and Excess Volatility in Economics and Biology

AuthorsRobert Axtell

Innovation and Computation in Evolutionary History

AuthorsDavid Krakauer

Welcome to the Afternoon Session

AuthorsStephen Smith

The Risks and Rewards of Organizational Complexity

AuthorsEric Bonabeau

Organizational X-Rays: Quantifying Implicit Network Structures Beyond the Org Chart

AuthorsNathan Eagle

Understanding System Complexity Through Agent-based Modeling

AuthorsCharles Macal

Panel Discussion

AuthorsBéla Nagy, David Krakauer, Eric Bonabeau, Luis Bettencourt, Nathan Eagle, Robert Axtell


Intel Perspective

AuthorsMartin Curley

Intel Perspective

AuthorsKarl Kempf