Meeting Summary: The advent of the first useful quantum computing devices has resulted in an arms race with classical algorithms on traditional and specialized CMOS hardware. While near-term quantum devices might revolutionize many areas of research that require high-throughput computing such as chemistry, there is a clear shortage of relevant quantum algorithms with provable speedup over their classical counterparts. For the foreseeable future a vast class of problems across disciplines will rely on algorithms running on CMOS hardware. Physics algorithms for disordered and frustrated systems have had a recent renaissance in fields as diverse as sociology, optimization, industrial distribution, and chemistry, to name a few. Similarly, inspired by current developments in quantum optimization, a new family of algorithms applied to, e.g., molecular similarity, traffic routing, clustering, etc. have emerged. However, it is not still clear that the quantum optimization techniques would have the potential to outperform the classical optimization techniques that can be customized to each application. It is the goal of this workshop to bring together researchers across disciplines and from both academia, government and the private sector to discuss and develop the next generation of algorithms for