Miguel Fuentes

External Professor

Ph.D. in Physics from Instituto Balseiro, a prestigious research and educational center in Latin America.

Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National University of La Plata, Argentina.

Master International Affairs and Diplomacy from The United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Miguel has worked and studied at places such as the Pierre et Marie Curie University (now the Sorbonne Université), the Institut Non-Linéaire de Nice, the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Santa Fe Institute.

He seeks to understand the behavior of complex systems from a fundamental–conceptual point of view, focusing on anomalies that are often critical ingredients for emerging new characteristics.

He works in interdisciplinary research and educational projects, from mathematical physics, with a focus on statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, and the use of information theory and complexity measures to characterize and understand complex behaviors in closely related systems with highly multisectoral interest, from hard physical models to social systems, the spread of information, ecology, and public policies.

An essential aspect of his interests is the epistemological study of complex systems and the philosophy of innovations and their role in developing complex socio-technological systems.