Temporal Dynamics of Intrahost Molecular Evolution for a Plant RNA VirusAuthors: Cuevas, J. M.,Willemsen, A.,Hillung, J.,Zwart, M. P.,Elena, S. F.Journal: Molecular Biology and EvolutionYear: 2015Papers
Models of evolution and evolutionary game theory A comment on "Evolutionary game theory using agent based models" by Christoph Adami, Jory Schossau, Mend HintzeAuthors: Schuster, P.Journal: Physics of Life ReviewsYear: 2016Papers
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LoCUS: A multi-robot loss-tolerant algorithm for surveying volcanic plumesAuthors: Erickson, John; Abhinav Aggarwal; G. Matthew Fricke and Melanie E. MosesJournal: arXivYear: 2020Papers
A Note on Two-Sample Tests for Comparing Intra-Individual Genetic Sequence Diversity between PopulationsAuthors: Giorgi, E. E.,Bhattacharya, T.Year: 2012Papers
The population genetics of gene regulatory networksAuthors: Yang, Chia-Hung and Samuel V. ScarpinoJournal: bioRxivYear: 2021Papers