SFI Media Center

Journalists and other members of the media are encouraged to contact SFI’s office of communications to discuss story ideas, request photos, and connect with our researchers.

Our resident and external researchers are known for their expertise in the complex systems that underlie critical questions for science and humanity.

To request media alerts about upcoming or embargoed research news, please email news@santafe.edu with a brief description of your interests.

While most of our on-site events are closed to the public, journalists who wish to attend a scientific workshop or working group can request permission by contacting:

Santa Fe Institute

Office of Communications

SFI Campus

  • Wall Writing

    (jpg 1.273MB)

  • SFI Sign

    (jpg 0.449MB)

  • SFI at Night

    (jpg 0.235MB)

  • SFI at Sunset

    (jpg 0.324MB)


  • SFI From Above

    (mov 6.498MB)

  • Santa Fe Institute: Searching for order in the complexity of evolving worlds

    (mp4 60.526MB)