Abstract. Continued research on the Artificial Long House Valley project has raised important questions about whether population-level demographic processes accurately reflect the joint contributions of individuals. Present results indicate that models using summary population-level demographic rates (e.g., constant fertility across ages) generate very different results from models that apply equivalent age-specific rates to individuals. These kinds of results have implications for many archaeological agent-based models. This working group will provide an opportunity for the project team to meet as a group to more closely examine these issues, including how the individuals in archaeological and present-day Pueblo communities generate higher-level social structures. The group will also formulate plans for new publications and future research directions. In addition, this working group will allow us to share our current research with and obtain feedback from any interested SFI scholars in residence at the time of our visit.
Pod A Conference Room
Working Group
US Mountain Time
Our campus is closed to the public for this event.
Research Collaboration
SFI Host:
George Gumerman and Alan Swedlund