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Webcast - Available February 9, 2010
The percentage of the U.S. economy associated with healthcare is 16% and rising. Employee health and health care expenses are therefore major concerns of American corporations and small businesses alike. Humana and SFI are collaborating to organize and host this Business Network Topical Meeting to focus on latest developments in healthcare economics and new approaches to health and disease.
The World Health Organization defines "Health" as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." Such a view is consistent with Humana's corporate emphasis on well-being and with SFI's emphasis of complex adaptive systems.
The meeting will include:
- An overview of the health care economy and its relation to the U.S. economy as a whole;
- Viewing heath as the integrity of a complex system and medicine as the maintenance of such a system, as opposed to diagnosis and treatment of disease;
- Optimizing medical intervention using social-network-based models of disease spread;
- Behavioral economics and the paradox of incentives;
- Agent-based-modeling approaches to large-scale economic models;
In addition to the one-day Topical Meeting on February 9, Business Network members are invited to participate in Humana's Health Economy Simulator, which is a role-playing simulation experience in which participants will gain a shared view of the health system and an understanding of the perspectives and interplay among key stakeholders. The simulator will be held in Santa Fe on Thursday and Friday, February 10-11. Members may register for the Topical Meeting or both the Topical Meeting and the Health Economy Simulator.
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