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The Maya Working Group brings Principal Investigators of major long-term research projects, pioneers in methods like Lidar and urban design, established experts in fields of Maya belief, history, and governance, to talk about discoveries, insights, and aspirations. The participants have published two books and have a third in process. In light of the wide-ranging expertise in the group, focus on a final theme that can elicit important insights from all is necessary in contemplating a last major focus. That theme, emerging in conversation at the 2023 meeting, is to craft reflections from each participant regarding what their goals have been in knowledge building, how they see that effort now, and why they believe that it really matters that they elucidate the Maya, ancient and modern, as a people worthy of attention and respect. From a scientific perspective, this last book will reflect on the changing perspectives on the development of complexity in the Maya world, through new methods and new ideas introduced over the last generation. It can help chart the course to future research.