Abstract: In this talk, we will present the allagmatic method, a method that is based on the implementation of abstract philosophical concepts into computer programs. So far, we implemented concepts borrowed from Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of individuation – concepts such as structure and operation – as well as the concepts of adaptation and control borrowed from Alfred N. Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. This allowed the applications of automatic programming of various computer models including cellular automata and artificial neural networks, and the philosophy-guided implementation of self-modifying code. A mathematical formalism of the allagmatic method furthermore allowed a more formal treatment such as proof of model equivalence. Currently we are extending the allagmatic method with Whitehead’s concepts of novelty and creativity contributing to the emerging field of open-endedness.
Noyce Conference Room
US Mountain Time
Olivier del Fabbro & Patrik Christen
Our campus is closed to the public for this event.
Olivier Del FabbroSenior Researcher at the Chair for Philosophy at ETH Zurich
Patrik ChristenSenior Lecturer of Mathematics and Programming at the Institute for Information Systems, FHNW
SFI Host:
David Krakauer