Bloomberg: What Complexity Economics Can Add to Our View of the World

Interviewing SFI External Professor W. Brian Arthur.

The Scientist: Push to Address Long-Standing Challenges for Parents in STEM

Citing research by SFI External Professor Aaron Clauset, SFI Professor Mirta Galesic, former SFI Omidyar Fellow Daniel Larremore, and their colleagues.

Nature: The parenting penalties faced by scientist mothers

Featuring research lead by SFI External Professor Aaron Clauset.

Diginomica: Why is AI harder than we think?

Op-ed featuring work by SFI Davis Professor of Complexity Melanie Mitchell.

Scientific American: New Approach Could Boost the Search for Life in Otherworldly Oceans

Featuring research by SFI Professor Chris Kempes, SFI Science Board member Simon Levin, and their collaborators.

Live Science: Watch sheep flow like water in mesmerizing time-lapse drone footage

Quoting former SFI Omidyar Fellow Andrew Berdahl.

Nature: Why England's COVID 'freedom day' alarms researchers

Quoting SFI External Professor Lauren Ancel Meyers.

Recode Daily podcast: How social media threatens humanity

Interviewing SFI Professor Mirta Galesic, about research co-authored with SFI Omidyar Fellow and Baird Scholar, Albert Kao.

Quanta: The Computer Scientist Training AI to Think With Analogies

Profiling Melanie Mitchell, SFI Davis Professor of Complexity.

Vox's Recode Daily podcast: How social media threatens humanity

Interveiwing SFI Professor Mirta Galesic.

Aeon: A good scrap

Highlighting research by SFI External Professor James Evans and his collaborators.

MarketWatch/Project Syndicate: Opinion: If you want to fix climate change, you need to fix this flaw in conventional economic thought

Highlighting work by the late SFI co-founder Kenneth Arrow.

Axios: How fireflies coordinate their flashes

Featuring research by SFI External Professor Orit Peleg.

Physics World: How fireflies coordinate their flashing

Highlighting research by SFI External Professor Orit Peleg.

Science: Dense swarms of fireflies flash in unison

Featuring research by SFI External Professor Orit Peleg.

Big Think: Could a pill that lowers our body temperature make us live longer?

Featuring research by Geoffrey West, SFI Distinguished Shannan Professor and Past President.

Yahoo!: How Swarms of Fireflies Synch Their Flashes

Featuring research by SFI External Professor Orit Peleg.

CNBC: Health experts are anxious to prevent a ‘catastrophic’ winter flu season

Quoting SFI External Professor Lauren Ancle Meyers.

The New York Times: How Swarms of Fireflies Synch Their Flashes

Featuring research by SFI External Professor Orit Peleg.

The New York Times: Is Biden Declaring ‘Independence From the Virus’ Too Soon?

Quoting SFI External Professor Lauren Ancel Meyers.