SFI External Professor David Krakauer (University of Wisconsin - Madison) and SFI Omidyar Fellow alumnus Nathan Eagle (Jana) are among Wired magazine's "2012 Smart List" of people who will change the world.
Krakauer, nominated by SFI Distinguished Professor Geoffrey West, "is a true polymath, full of ideas and creativity," according to West's nomination.
SFI Trustee Esther Dyson selects Eagle, writing about him: "Nathan Eagle is not just smart; he applies his intelligence to the real world, with both vision (mobile phones as capital equipment enabling millions of people around the world to become productive), and a business model (get them to collect data and market research for large companies). His company, Jana (in which I've invested), employs thousands and, ultimately, he employs millions of people in emerging markets as market researchers."
Read the Wired article (January 24, 2012)
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