Get your SFI Alumni Community T-shirt today
The SFI alumni team is proud to announce the winning entries for this year’s T-shirt slogan competition.
The latest news and events at the Santa Fe Institute
The SFI alumni team is proud to announce the winning entries for this year’s T-shirt slogan competition.
CU Boulder's Aaron Clauset, an SFI external professor and former SFI Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellow, has received a National Science Foundation Early Career Development award.
SFI has been awarded a three year, $2.5 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation to support a daring scientific pursuit: developing a general theory of complexity.
Register now for SFI's 2015 Short Course — Exploring Complexity in Social Systems and Economics — August 25-27 in Santa Fe.
SFI is playing a leading role in an international scientific conference on complex systems science to be held this fall in Tempe, Arizona.
During an SFI Community Lecture January 14 in Santa Fe, Stanford linguist Daniel Jurafsky explored the stunningly complex language of food and what it tells us about our culture and society. Watch it now.
In a recent paper, SFI Professor David Wolpert and co-author James Bono reveal a way to get rich without doing any work at all.
The Santa Fe Institute's Board of Trustees has welcomed two new members: Remi Barbier of Pain Therapeutics, Inc. and Andrew Feldstein of BlueMountain Capital Management.
We invite you to send in a candidate slogan for a new Alumni Community T-shirt. Entry deadline December 31, 2014.
In Nature, SFI Omidyar Fellow Sam Scarpino is among 24 co-authors offering a rebuttal to recent assertions that epidemiological models used to estimate the trajectory of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa missed the mark.
In a new paper for Physical Review E, SFI External Professor Liz Bradley and colleagues quantify predictability, with a strategy for determining which predictive method best suits a given system.
To understand market crashes and bubbles, SFI's Geoffrey West and three co-authors advocate a revised view that treats an economy like biologists might think about an ecosystem rife with evolutionary dynamics.
Researchers are using remote-sensing and satellite technology to understand the movements of indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Their work could influence policies intended to protect the habitats of "uncontacted" people.
In this issue of the SFI Bulletin, seven essayists trace some of the scientific themes that have endured at SFI across the decades. Read the Fall 2014 issue here.
A new (and different) economics textbook seeks to transform the way people teach and learn economics. SFI Professor Sam Bowles is a contributor.
For the first time, alumni of SFI’s schools and education programs have an online forum for connecting with fellow alumni and maintaining their involvement with the Institute's community.
Michael Mauboussin, Credit Suisse's managing director and chairman of SFI’s Board of Trustees, believes chess with combined human-computer teams holds important strategic lessons for investors.
SFI's Complexity Explorer project will offer three free online courses starting on Monday September 29.
The Santa Fe Institute is seeking an uncommon leader to guide this world-renowned nonprofit research and education center. If you know a great candidate, pass it on.
In a column in Green Money, SFI Trustee Katherine Collins asks "What would nature do?" and explores how that question can inform decisions about investing.