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About this Course
The relationship between human populations and the environments that support them may be the most significant issue bearing on our descendants. Yet rigorous treatments of this relationship, and its implications for applied population ethics, are regrettably sparse.
New quantitative methods and models have been developed in the fields of analytical demography, anthropology, economics, biology, and complexity science that can shed light on important dimensions of population-environment dynamics. These advances bring a number of new concepts that enrich classical models in demography and economics, including multi-agent models, heterogeneity, hidden variables, life history, development and aging, spatial dynamics, strategic games, social influence, network theory, cultural processes, and causal inference from sparse data.
To advance science education in this area, this innovative 4-day event will bring together experts from diverse fields. In the two days preceding the short course, the instructors will collaborate to synthesize a curriculum of cutting-edge concepts and methods targeted at a multi-disciplinary graduate-level audience. During the two days of the short course, the instructors will work together to teach the newly developed curriculum to a group of participating students and early career scientists. More Information
This course is FREE to well-qualified students who are accepted to the course. Students will need to arrange and pay for their own travel, accommodations, and the meals not offered at Santa Fe Institute. Partial travel support may be available for a small number of qualified students. A request can be made as part of the application process.
Course Dates
October 15, 2018 – October 16, 2018
Application Deadline
August 8, 2018. The deadline to apply has passed.
Program Directors
- Sir Partha Dasgupta - Economics, University of Cambridge
- Paul Hooper - Director of Education, Santa Fe Institute
- Caroline Bledsoe - Anthropology, Northwestern University
- Christopher Cowie - Philosophy, Durham University
- Aisha Dasgupta - DESA, United Nations
- James Holland Jones - Earth Systems Science, Stanford University
- Lori Hunter - Sociology, University of Colorado Boulder
- Chris Kempes - Santa Fe Institute
- David Krakauer - President of Santa Fe Institute
- Charlotte Lee - Biology, Duke University
- Simon Levin - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
- Melanie Moses - University of New Mexico and Santa Fe Institute
- Mike Price - Santa Fe Institute
- Andy Rominger - Santa Fe Institute
- Mary Shenk - Anthropology, Penn State
Application Deadline
August 8, 2018. The deadline to apply has passed.
Application Eligibility
The short course portion is open to graduate students and other early-career researchers interested in the topics and methods covered in the course. Proficiency in English is necessary for participation in the course. Applicants are welcome from all countries. Women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Application Requirements
Complete the online application and provide:
- A current CV or resume. Include a clear description of your current educational or professional status, and a list of publications, if any.
- A statement of interest for attending this short course (maximum 1 page).
- One (1) letter of recommendation (see application for details).
For more information, see the meeting page on the Complex Time wiki!
Support for this meeting has been generously provided by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, as part of the SFI Complex Time - Adaptation, Aging, Arrow of Time research theme.