Virtual Discussion

All day


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***Please Note: This is the Event Page for the Virtual Only Event open to members of SFI's Applied Complexity Network, Complexity Society, and Board of Trustees. If you belong to one of these groups and are interested in registering, please email action@santafe.edu***

In collaboration with the London Mathematical Laboratory (LML), SFI's Applied Complexity Network presents this 2-day virtual conference bringing together people interested in applications of the ergodicity concept in economics and related disciplines. The ergodicity economics research program at LML is headed by SFI External Professor Ole Peters, who is convening the virtual conference. Its aim is to develop an alternative economic formalism by putting the ergodicity question center stage: does expected value reflect what happens over time? Keynote speakers are William Poundstone (author of Fortune’s Formula) and Catherine Herfeld (University of Hannover: Philosophy and History of Economics). Sessions will highlight topics such as Machine Learning, Human Learning, Decisions and Behavior, Cooperative Business, and Insurance.


Note: All event times below are U.S. Mountain Time.

Monday, February 19th
7:00 AM — "Fortune's Formula: The Kelly Criterion and Ergodicity" with William Poundstone
7:30 AM — "The Ergodicity Problem" with Ole Peters (London Mathematical Laboratory & SFI)
8:00 AM — "New Research Directions" with Colm Connaughton (London Mathematical Laboratory)
8:30 AM — 20 Minute Break
8:50 AM — "Non-Ergodicity in Reinforcement Learning: Robustness via Ergodic Transformations" with Dominik Baumann (Aalto University)
9:10 AM — "Inferring Your Way into Kelly Optimality" with Gabriel J. P. Pinto (Northwestern University)
9:30 AM — "Unlearnable Games and 'Saticficing' Decisions" with Jerome Garnier-Brun (Ecole Polytechnique)
9:50 AM — 20 Minute Break
10:10 AM — "Testing Ergodic Decision Theory in the Human Brain" with Maria Van Der Weij (Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance)
10:30 AM — "Effort Aversion Can Be Explained Without Effort Costs" with Hugo Fleming (University of Cambridge)
10:50 AM — "Beyond Growth Rate" with Emilie Soysal (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

Tuesday, February 20th
7:30 AM — "Bridging the Idiographic-Nomothetic Divide" with Aaron Fisher (UC Berkeley)
7:50 AM — "Expected-Utility Maximizers Don't Maximize Utility" with Oliver Hulme (Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance)
8:10 AM — "Non-Ergodic Perspectives on Evaluation of Models and Forecasts" with Erica Thompson (University College London & London Mathematical Laboratory)
8:30 AM — 20 Minute Break
8:50 AM — "A Non-Ergodic Theory of Investment in Practice" with Graham Boyd (Evolutesix)
9:10 AM — "Designing and Communicating Real-World Pooling Schemes Between Cooperative Businesses" with James King (Science Practice Ltd.)
9:30 AM — "Conglomerate Mergers: Effects on Growth and Competition" with Simon Blöthner (University of Bayreuth)
9:50 AM — 20 Minute Break
10:10 AM — "Insurance as an Ergodicity Problem" with Benjamin Skjold (London Mathematical Laboratory)
10:30 AM — "Insurance Contracts on a Network in a Non-Ergodic World" with Tobias Wand (University of Münster)
10:50 AM — "Is Salary Just a Negative Insurance Premium?" with Pavel Chvykov
11:10 AM — Closing Remarks

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