The San Diego Union-Tribune: Is it unlawful discrimination to not promote an employee who works remotely?

Mentions research from External Professor Hyejin Youn. Are unions actually growing? | This Week in Business

Interview involving External Faculty Suresh Naidu. 

The Medieval Podcast: Why do civilizations collapse? New study points to the risks of aging

Mentions and quotes External Professor Marten Scheffer. 

Genetic Literacy Project: Darwin’s legacy: A popular new guide through the sometimes obtuse world of evolution

Article written by External Professor Brandon Ogbunu.

The New York Times: Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Ruy Teixeira

External Faculty Suresh Naidu's paper was mentioned in the Ezra Klein show. 

The New York Times: Everybody Is Talking About A.I. What the Heck Is It, Anyway?

Professor Melanie Mitchell's book (with brief review) mentioned in list of books to read about AI. 

Smithsonian Magazine: Plagues That Ravaged the Roman Empire Were Linked to Periods of Cold Weather

Mentions and quotes Fractal Faculty Kyle Harper. 

Time: How Christopher Nolan Found Intimacy on a Grand Scale

Mentions and quotes Fractal Faculty Carlo Rovelli. 

American Council on Science and Health: A Consideration Of Urban Waste

Quotes Professor Chris Kempes. 

MIT Technology Review: How wastewater could offer an early warning system for measles

Mentions and quotes External Professor Sam Scarpino. 

Bedford Gazette: Auto dealers up campaign urging Biden administration to halt EPA tailpipe emission limits regulation

Mentions and quotes External Professor Jessika Trancik. 

Scientific American: The Roman Empire’s Worst Plagues Were Linked to Climate Change

Mentions research by Fractal Faculty Kyle Harper. 

Inside Waste: Size does matter in city waste stakes

Mentions and quotes Professor Chris Kempes and Omidyar Complexity Fellow Mingzhen Lu. 

CERN Courier: Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of Information

Opinion on the Santa Fe Institute Press's release of Wojciech Zurek's "Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of Information." 

Brain Inspired: BI 182: John Krakauer Returns… Again

Podcast featuring External Professor John Krakauer. Failure: Stories about failing in science

Podcast featuring External Professor Sam Scarpino. 

The Washington Post: Climate Coach: The one winning message on climate

Mentions External Professor Dan Schrag. 

Space Daily: Physicists identify overlooked uncertainty in real-world experiments

Mentions the Santa Fe Institute and mentions and quotes Professor David Wolpert. 

Newsweek: Government Support for Electric Vehicles Is Good for Everyone | Opinion

Opinon article written by External Professor Jessika Trancik. 

Associated Press: For consumers shopping for an EV, new rules mean fewer models qualify for a tax credit

Mentions and quotes External Professor Jessika Trancik.